Monday, September 12, 2016

October MOR (Due Nov. 1)
Please partner up and read a Contemporary novel for your first MOR partner dialogue. As you read, you should write four entries each (approx. 250 words per entry), conversing with each other as you go, to analyze the text. Please refer to quotations from the text and include at least one question for your partner in each entry.  Your dialogues may be informally composed (I/you/contractions ok), but they should also demonstrate that you are reading deeply and keeping an eye on how the lit devices that we are studying show up and help create deeper meaning. Don't forget to discuss the ending!

You should post these dialogues on one of your blogs. For example, Jordan might make the first entry by posting on his blog, and then the rest of his and his partner's entries would be posted as comments on that first post. (I highly recommend composing the posts in Word or another program first, however, as it is easy to lose track of spelling, word count, and even whole pages of content if one composes in the blogspot space itself.)

A list of all works that have been suggested ON the AP exam since 1971 can be found at this link (most frequently recommended works are also listed at the bottom). You may, of course, read a novel that is not on this list, but please make sure it is of sufficient literary merit that you might be able to use it on the open essay question of the AP test. If you would like any advice, I've got plenty!

For October, a "contemporary" novel will be one published after approximately 1950 (the novel 1984, published in 1948, would count!).

Friday, September 9, 2016

Understanding your type

In addition to the websites listed in #8 of the "Creating a Blog" post, here is some key info for understanding your letters:

Information about the four categories of M-B letters:
How do you recharge when you're tired?  With people, or by yourself?
E= extrovert (you gather energy by being with people)
I = introvert (you gather energy by being by yourself)

What kind of information do you trust and employ?
N = intuitive (you're comfortable with theories, philosophies, and hypotheses-- more abstract ideas)
S = sensing (you're comfortable with information you can experience through your five senses-- basically, stuff you can see and hear; hard facts.)

How do you make decisions?
F= feeling (you are an emotional decision maker)
T = thinking (you are a logical decision maker)

What is your work tendency?
J = judging (You are detail oriented, love organization, and appreciate plans and structure)
P = perceiving (You are more big-picture, are comfortable improvising on the fly, and enjoy impromptu adventures.  You like variation rather than routines, and may struggle with the details of a project’s execution.) 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Creating a Blog

1.       Go to (or click "create blog" up right here!)

2.       Create a profile (I just did “Limited Profile”) (I do recommend not including your full name on your blog.)

3.       Add “” to your Reading List (That’s our class blog! This one you're reading!)

4.       Click “Create blog” (or “New Blog”)

5.       Choose a Title and pick a url address.  You can also pick a template.

6.       You should then see something like this:

7.       Click “Start posting”

8.      In the textbox that appears, post (1) your Myers-Briggs results & percentages (see mine in post below), (2) your commentary on which elements of the "Type Description" are like you and which are unlike you and why (quote from the websites and briefly comment), and (3) your favorite affirmation.
Link to take the Myers-Briggs Test: 
Links to more commentary on your type: 

9.      When you’re ready to have the blog appear, look for the buttons in the top, right-hand corner and click “PUBLISH”  (or Preview...and then publish. You can always edit the post later if necessary.)

10.   You can then click “view blog” to see how it looks.  If you want then, you can play around with your blog settings by clicking “Design” in the top right corner to change up your template and layout.  You tech savvy kids should be able to figure that out, but even if you can’t, the above steps should enable you to complete the required assignment..

11.   VERY IMPORTANT: you should then email your blog address to me!

I have in the past tested as both ENFJ and ESFJ, but ESFJ has come up most frequently.

Extravert(59%)  Sensing(34%)  Feeling(59%)  Judging(1%)

This type is called The Caregiver on
You can also explore your type at

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