Sunday, October 9, 2016

Crime and Punishment Reading Card

Let's complete this first reading card as a class--future cards will be completed individually, because you'll remember your understanding of the books better if you put the notes in your own words.

1) Go to this Google Sheets document:

2) Locate which topic(s) you have been assigned. Thoughtfully and thoroughly add notes about that topic as it functions toward theme in Crime and Punishment.  If there is a useful C&P quote that illustrates your notes, you should include it, but quotations are not required.

3) Due before school Wednesday.


  1. My blog is not letting me post a blog so
    "There was no sign of a pick, no scratch of a shovel. The ground was hard and dry -- no trace of a wheel. Whoever it was left no clues behind him" (133).
    How did she do it so slyly? Will they catch her??

    1. After reading that part over I realized that she never dug a grave she just sprinkled him with dirt to preform the ceremony.This would make it harder to catch her. I think that she will eventually get caught because there were not many people who cared too much about burring him.
